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The Environment Act:  A Guide for Planners & Developers

The Environment Act: A Guide for Planners & Developers


The Environment Act is a landmark piece of legislation creating a new governance framework regulating how the nation manages biodiversity, water resources and air pollution to name just a few, and introducing conservation covenant agreements as an option for developers. The new regime leans heavily on the planning system with environmental considerations, becoming a key factor in planning and development decision making. This means everyone involved in considering or advising on new developments needs to know how the new regime could impact on those plans.

The Environment Act 2021: A Guide for Planners and Developers provides a comprehensive overview of the Act specifically for the planning sector. Written by Tom Graham, a practising lawyer with many years of experience in environment and planning law, it answers the questions that planners and advisors need to consider such as:

  • The interpretation of the Environment Act
  • Conservation biology and the planning system
  • What is Biodiversity Net Gain and how will it interact with the planning system?
  • What is the "precautionary principle" and how is this to be reflected in the planning process?
  • Can local planning authorities push a "green agenda"?
  • Section 106 agreements, conservation covenants, planning conditions and ecology
  • How will local planning committees get to grips with the complexities of the Act?
  • How will the act impact on developers? Is it a benefit or a problem?

As well as practical commentary, the book includes the relevant sections of the Act, annotated by the author, so you will have the sources you need in one, handy volume. 

Who would find the book useful?
  • Planning consultants
  • Planning and environment lawyers
  • Property developers
  • Environmental consultants
  • Local authority planning officers
About the author

Tom Graham is a qualified barrister who now acts as a sole practitioner specialising in planning and environmental law. He is also the author of A Practical Guide to Planning, Highways & Development (Bath Publishing, 2019)

Prices and formats
  • Published June 2022
  • Paperback
  • 300 pages approx
  • Paperback: £40 + p&p
  • Digital: £40 + p&p
  • Paperback/Digital bundle: £60
  • ISBN 978-1-9163023-1-0
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